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The Staff Development Committee with the Registration Committee organized the “Transcript GPA Calculation Workshop with Special Focus on Probation Students” on 23 September 2021.  The program was divided into three sessions/batches: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM for the first two batches and 11:00 AM - 12.30 PM for the third batch.

Dr. Baskaran Geetha and Mr. Raghupathi Senthilvel of the Registration Committee, Engineering Department, handled the sessions with the purpose of making the student advising process more effective and correct.  Furthermore, the program aimed to clarify some of the confusions and eliminating future mistakes in GPA calculations. 

The main focus of the workshop is the proper and correct manner in calculating the SGPA, CGPA, and OGPA of students’ transcripts, especially those of probation students.  In addition, the staff were also guided on how to compute the projected GPA for advised courses in order for the student to come out of probation, especially those that are already in third and fourth probation status.

A hands-on training was given to the staff wherein they were provided with samples of  transcripts of probation students.  They were made to compute for the CGPA and OGPA, as well as, to compute the GPA that the student needs to get at the end of the semester to come out of probation.  This exercise seeks to make them more confident in their advising work for probation students.

Some members of the Registration Committee: Mr. Maswoodhur Rahman Abdul Wahidh and Dr. Rizwana John Basha, assisted during the hands-on training session to clear further doubts of the participating staff. 

The presentation was attended by 60 Engineering Department Staff and they felt that the program was useful and effective.

Read 170 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 October 2021 05:24
Thursday, 07 October 2021 00:00 Written by  Dr. Sivananth Varatharajan In Engineering
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