Need and Importance of Research in Engineering

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The Research and Consultancy Committee of engineering department organized a research presentation on “Need and Importance of Research in Engineering” on 26th May 2022 at 11 am. Dr V. Ilankumaran, Head of Section, Engineering department, delivered his speech. He stared his speech by giving clear differences between science, engineering and technology and then he encouraged the participants to give some examples related to that fields. He shared his rich knowledge and experience in various fields of research in engineering sector. Then, he briefed about innovation and intellectual property rights. Also, he iterated about the importance of finding problem in the particular field and finding the solutions in a feasible way. He concluded the session by elaborating the various recent inventions with selected examples. The presentation was well received by the staff members with very good interaction. Around 30 staff members were participated in this event. 

Read 136 times
Sunday, 12 June 2022 00:00 Written by  Dr G.Kumaravel  In Engineering
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