Organizational Behavior Skills and Personality Development

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The Staff Development Committee of Engineering Department organized an online webinar program on “Organizational Behavior Skills and Personality Development” on 9th March 2023 from 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM through MS teams. The program was delivered by external speaker Mr. Prakash Manoharan, Assistant Professor, Sanjivani College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India.
He started his presentation with an overview to Behavior, Skills and Personality Development. He Provided with various practical examples about the organization behavior towards personality development. Followed by he explained the different ways involved in the organization’s success through the organizational behavior and personality development. The staff members were benefitted with the presentation, it was very useful and effective for every organization we work with. The participants found the webinar informative and engaging, and they actively participated in the Q&A session at the end of the program. The webinar was a great success, and the participants appreciated the efforts of the Staff Development Committee for organizing such an insightful program. They expressed their interest in attending similar programs in the future and suggested inviting more external experts to share their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.

Read 76 times
Monday, 20 March 2023 00:00 Written by  Mr. Irshad Ahmed Mathari In Engineering
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