Recent Advancements in Communication Engineering and its Future Directions

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The Staff Development Committee of Engineering Department organized a program on "Recent Advancements in Communication Engineering and its Future Directions" Thursday, 06th April 2023 from 11:45 Am to 12.45 pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall. The session is delivered by Mr.Antony Judice Alexcius, Lecturer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Section, Department of Engineering for the benefit of the staff members. The targeted audience for the program were the lecturers of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department.
He started his presentation with the overview of light fidelity (Li-Fi), Radar Communication, Satellite Communication, Telecommunication. He elaborated different types of light support Li-Fi data transmission i.e. visible, infrared and ultra-violet. He explained of various platform which shows the satellite tracing.
Finally, he showed demo in website, also mentioned the role of Artificial Intelligent in communication technology. It was a useful guide to the lecturers of Engineering Department to be benefitted. The staff members felt that the presentation was very much useful and effective. Totally 22 staffs participated.

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Wednesday, 19 April 2023 00:00 Written by  Mr. R Devasenathipathy In Engineering
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