An Overview of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines for Standalone Power Systems

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The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering department organized a seminar program on “An Overview of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines for Standalone Power Systems” on 8th June 2023 from 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM. Dr. G. Kumaravel, Lecturer, Engineering department was delivered the presentation.
He started his presentation with a simulation circuit which reveals the basic concepts and history behind the wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). He detailed about the different parameters associated with the wind turbines for their design and commission. He briefed about the metrological stations topography in Sultanate of Oman and their nature of work. Also he gave the introduction about Dhofar wind power plant with its special features, then he explained the blade design and different control mechanism behind the horizontal axis wind turbines, neatly with sample videos. Finally, he concluded the session with the case studies which are relevant to the recent trends in this field. The session was interactive and staff members participated in the program with much enthusiasm.

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Wednesday, 14 June 2023 00:00 Written by  Mr. R Devasenathipathy In Engineering
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