Industry Visit to Oman Electricity Transmission Company, Ibri

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To foster better understanding for the students and appreciation of their chosen specialization in Electrical Engineering, the Switchgear and Protection Bachelor students under Mr. Chandrasekhara.B.L, and Power Stations and Distribution Systems Advanced Diploma students under Mrs. Lizette Ivy Pascual, went to the Oman Electricity Transmission Company in Ibri Souq last 13 December 2023.


The eleven (11) students, along with their Course Teachers and Technician, Mr. Hamed Saud Hamed Al-Khalili, were given Orientation of their facilities, as well as a Safety Seminar, in their Conference Room by Mr. Waleed Al-Kalbani and Abdullah Al-Shamsi, respectively. The group toured the Switchyard, Control Rooms, Battery Storage Room, underground cable hall, and etc. wherein Mr. Yahya Al-Ghafri and Abdulaziz Bakhit Al-Yaqoubi gave additional lecture and instructions. Taking photos and videos within the Switchyard was prohibited for security reasons.


The students were introduced to the facility’s operations and equipment. They emphasized that safety is of foremost importance as they are operating at Voltages of 33 KV, 132 KV, and 220 KV within the facility.


The management were also gracious and offered refreshments to the group as well as their willingness to always consider our requests to visit them again in the future.

Read 21 times
Sunday, 24 December 2023 00:00 Written by  Mrs. Lizette Ivy Pascual In Engineering
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