Training Programme on “eLearning Through Multimedia Applications”

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Training Programme on “eLearning Through Multimedia Applications”

Speakers : Mr Brain Gee Chacko

 The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a training programme on eLearning through multimedia applications on 14 February 2019 from 10 to 11.30am.

Mr Brain Gee Chacko, Lecturer from the Information Technology Department, conducted the programme.

The training session started with an introduction about animation software called “Unity3d”. Initially all the participants were asked to register online to use this software. After registration, the initial settings to be done before starting a project were clearly explained.

A detailed explanation was given on the effective use of the animation tools available in the software to create animations which may be useful to explain various complicated concepts involved in the subjects to the students.

This programme was well received by the staff and highly beneficial to the participants.


Read 242 times Last modified on Monday, 18 February 2019 10:37
Monday, 18 February 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr J. Stephen Leon In Engineering
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