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The Electrical and Electronics Section of the Engineering Department, together with the Engineering Society, scheduled a two-day workshop for students, “Workshop on Simulink Modelling of Physical Systems and its Applications”, on 22 and 29 January 2019, two consecutive Tuesdays, 12.00 noon to 2.00pm, at the Electrical Principles Laboratory (B007).

 This workshop was actually scheduled in Semester 1, 2018-2019. However, due to time constraints it was postponed and instead offered in Semester 2, as it is deemed worthwhile for students’ learning.

 Simulink is a software package, fully integrated in MATLAB, for modelling, simulating, and analysing dynamic systems that support linear and nonlinear systems, which can be modelled in continuous time, sampled time, or a hybrid of the two.  Simulink Modelling is a good platform for creating ideas for future student projects.

  •  The two-day workshop covered the following topics:
  • Basic Settings and Operations
  • Steps to Modelling any System
  • General Simulink Model Block Diagram
  • Modelling for Various Circuits: RLC Series Circuit at Steady-State, Transient Response of RL Series Circuit, Half-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier, Separately-Excited DC Motor, Symmetrical Short Circuit for Three-Phase Transmission Lines, Three-Phase Induction Motor – Steady-State Simulation, and etc.

 Mr Chandrashekara B. L. and Mr Reddy Ganesh served as the workshop’s resource persons.

 Only 15 students, those who have successfully carried out the workshop tasks and generated working outputs, were awarded a Certificate of Participation.


Read 292 times Last modified on Wednesday, 06 March 2019 09:05
Wednesday, 06 March 2019 00:00 Written by  Ms Lizette Ivy C. Pascual In Engineering
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