Industrial Visit to International Marble Co. LLC (IMC)

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 An Industrial visit to International Marble Co. LLC (IMC), was organised for diploma and advanced diploma students, by OJT and the Industrial Link Committee. Twenty-three students with staff members, Ms Geetha and Mr Krishnakumar, from the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Section, visited the site on 5 March 2019 from 10am to 3.30pm.

International Marble Co. LLC (IMC) provides high quality processing and supply of natural marble. Mr Rashid, administration staff, welcomed the staff and students, and gave a brief introduction about the company’s activities. Later he handed over to Mr Fahad Al Kalbani, maintenance engineer, and Hilal Al Nasseri, production engineer, for the visit to the production plant and workshop.

The following processing of marble was observed during the visit.

  1. Marble mining
  2. Arrival and unloading of marble blocks
  3. Marble cutting
  4. Strengthening and polishing
  5. Slab storage
  6. Central workshop 
  7. Water treatment plant

 Finally, the managing director of the company shed light on the job opportunities and challenges and invited students to have an opportunity to do OJT in the company.

During the session, the students interacted with the engineers very effectively. All the students expressed their thanks to the officials for the opportunity. The Industrial visit was highly useful for the students. A special word of thanks is extended to Mr Mohammed Riyaz and Mr Zaid Al Badi, who were actively involved in arranging the industrial visit. 


Read 387 times Last modified on Monday, 11 March 2019 10:42
Monday, 11 March 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Mohammed Riyaz In Engineering
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