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With the aim to lead a healthy lifestyle, the Health and Safety Committee organised a wellness practice workshop for women, “Health is Wealth”, on 31 October 2019 in the VIP Room.

Dr Sharmila Deve (Engineering Department), who conducted many wellness workshops in the past, was the resource person of this workshop. Dr Sujatha (Engineering Department) and Ms Subha Bharathi (Engineering Department) assisted as volunteers. 

Around 27 female faculty members participated in this programme. Exercises demonstrated simplified physical exercise, which anyone can do to avoid health problems. Women show more interest to do these exercises. 

The following exercises were explained with demonstrations:

1. Hand exercises 


  • Shoulder and hands are strengthened 
  • Arthritis problem reduced and possibly cured
  • Shoulder joint pain, finger joint pain and knee joints are cured
  • Trembling of hands are cured.

2. Leg Exercises


  • Legs are strengthened.
  • Blood circulation is regulated in all parts of the abdomen.
  • This exercise is curative and preventive for sciatica and arthritis.
  • By pressing and massaging the soles and the toes, important organs in the  body such as the heart, lungs, intestines, and brain are activated.

3. Breathing Exercises


  • Sinus problems are cured.
  • Dust and other particles in the nose and sinuses are removed. 
  • Body becomes energised.
  • Supply of blood to the brain increases.

The programme was planned for one hour, but due to more involvement from the participants, it was extended to two hours. All participants participated in the exercises and appreciated the demonstrations given by the presenters.

Read 246 times Last modified on Sunday, 17 November 2019 05:20
Sunday, 17 November 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr Elangovan Krishnamoorthy In Engineering
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