IbriCT Paper Presentation at Buraimi University College

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The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology participated in the Fifth International Conference on Technology, Language and Literature: Intersections and Convergences at Buraimi University College, on 4 and 5 December 2019. Thirty teams from different universities across the globe including California State University, Northridge, USA; British University in Dubai, University of Sharjah, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia; University of Bamenda- Cameroon; Anhui Xinhua University, China; University of Hawaii in Hilo, Hawaii, USA; Sultan Qaboos University etc. presented their research work in the international forum. A paper titled, “A Smart Integrated Control and Safety System for Automobiles” from the Engineering Department staff of Ibri College of Technology was accepted for presentation in the BUC Conference. The paper was based on a project funded by Ibri College of Technology under the Research Funding Programme, which dealt with design and development of an automated system for automobiles, which can detect the use of mobile phones while driving and automatically disconnect mobile data and other multimedia applications remotely, so that the driver is forced to concentrate only on driving. The project team members were Mr Abid Siddique, Dr Rehna Veerankutty Jameela, Mr Sreenivas Naik, Mr Abdul Hafiz Sajid (from the Engineering Department, IbriCT) and Mr Someshuar Vashisht (Lecturer, IT Department, Ibri College of Technology). The paper presentation was scheduled on 5 December at 9.30 am in Session 4, Auditorium 1. Mr Abid Siddique, Dr Rehna V. J and Mr Sreenivas Naik presented the paper at the conference. The project was much appreciated by the conference chairs, management of BUC; keynote speakers from California State University, Northridge; and the international audience.

Read 446 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 December 2019 08:37
Thursday, 12 December 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Abid Siddique and Dr Rehna V.J In Engineering
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