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The Research and Consultancy Committee, Engineering Department, conducted a guest lecture on “Research Opportunities in Oman in the Field of Renewable Energy” on 13 February 2020, 11 am to 12 pm, n the Free Access Lab to all Engineering Department faculty members.

Dr Sharmila Deve Venkatachalam, Lecturer, was the resource speaker, and explained importance of renewable energy usage in Oman; initiatives taken by Oman’s energy sector so far; energy resources available in Oman; plans for renewable energy mix in Oman’s energy sector; and the current scenario of Oman’s energy sector. These detailed scenario discussions help to find active research areas in the renewable energy sector.

Furthermore, the speaker discussed the optimal allocation of renewable energy resources; different optimisation techniques available; MPPT for solar and wind power; power quality improvement based on Oman’s grid structure; hybrid renewable energy sources; restructuring of Oman’s power system; deregulation of Oman’s energy market; waste management of renewable energy; potential resources available in Oman and unnoticed issues in the renewable energy sector. These topics cover the research scope in Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Information Technology and Business studies.

The speaker concluded the wide research opportunities in implementation of renewable energy resources in Oman’s energy sector.

Read 214 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 February 2020 10:58
Tuesday, 18 February 2020 00:00 Written by  Dr Sharmila Deve Venkatachalam In Engineering
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