Awareness Programme on Risk Identification Techniques

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The Risk Management Committee of the Engineering Department organised an awareness programme on Risk Identification Techniques for Advanced Diploma level students on 10 March, 2020 from 8 to 9 am, in B115 (Engineering Building).

Mr J. Stephen Leon, coordinator of the Risk Management Committee for the Engineering Department, conducted the programme.

The presentation started with an explanation of different categories of risks that can occur in institutions. There was a detailed discussion on classifying the identified risks as strategic type, operational type, financial type, compliance type and reputational type. A clear explanation was given of the Risk Management Policy.

At the end of the session, different methods of risk identification techniques were presented. A clear explanation was given on how to rank the identified risks, to give priority for managing them. The members in the Risk Management Committee were introduced to the students. A practice was given to write risks in the risk register.

All the participants actively participated in the awareness programme. 

Read 205 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 March 2020 09:39
Thursday, 12 March 2020 00:00 Written by  Mr A. Maswoodhur Rahman In Engineering
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