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OJT and the Industrial Link Committee of the Engineering Department organised an industrial visit to Steam Power Plant, Ibri Hospital, Ibri. This visit was organised for Bachelor students. Fifteen students and two staff members, Mr Santhosh B and Mr Irshad Ahmed, from the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Section, visited the site on 11 March 2020 from 10:15 am to 2:30 pm.

The following is a list of operations and units which are useful for bachelor students at Ibri Hospital.

  • Steam generation, distribution and utilization
  • Sewage water treatment plant
  • Operation maintenance of pump stations.

Mr Kumar MP, the head of the Maintenance Department, welcomed the staff and students, and gave a brief introduction about the activities. He explained, and students had a practical exposure to, the following:

  • Operation of Yorkshire-made fire tube boilers
  • Clear understanding about the working of the fire tube boiler mountings and accessories
  • Steam generation, transmission, and utilization
  • Students came to know about practical applications of steam i.e. for sterilisation of medical accessories, boiling of water and cooking purposes
  • Working of chillers and vacuum pumps
  • Processes involved in the sewage treatment plant

During the session, the students interacted with the engineers very effectively. All the students expressed their thanks to the officials for the opportunity. This visit was highly useful for the students. A special word of thanks is extended to Mr Santhosh B, Mr Irshad Ahmed and Mr Zaid Al Badi who were actively involved in arranging this industrial visit.


Read 394 times Last modified on Monday, 29 June 2020 09:05
Monday, 29 June 2020 00:00 Written by  Mr Santhosh Byatappa In Engineering
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