The IQAC of the Business Studies Department organised the Student Induction Programme on 29 and 30 May 2018, for the students who joined Diploma Courses in May 2018 of AY 2017-18, in Introduction to Business classrooms. The session was organised in coordination with the Registration Committee of the BSD. The objective of the programme was to create awareness about the facilities available in the college for an effective teaching-learning process.

Dr Surendar, IQAC coordinator, Mr Jaya Kumar, coordinator of the Registration Committee, and Mr Abdul Naser, member of the Registration Committee of the department, conducted these sessions. Dr Surendar commenced the session by briefing the vision and mission, organisational structure, programmes offered by the department, and explained more particularly on code of conduct, student grievances, plagiarism policy, rules and regulations. Mr Jayakumar and Mr Abdul Nasser explained more about Students Advising, Students Registration, study levels and progression, Students Counselling, Examinations and Assessments, Student’s Attendance and probations. 

Mr Jayakumar highlighted the credit hours, different policies that are available on the college website, the Student Assessment method, probation status, dismissal cases and other details. He further explained the role of advisors and how they help the students in pursuing their studies especially while choosing specialization and choosing right combination of courses to optimise their learning. 

Mr Abdul Naser advised the students to get in touch with their respective advisors for further details. He also gave the details of student clubs in the Business Department and motivated the students to participate in those activities for their overall personality development. The speaker concluded his presentation by creating awareness about the facilities available in the college for an effective teaching-learning process.  Feedback from the students was collected at the end of the session. Around 68 students attended the induction program and benefitted from it.