How to Conduct an Action Research

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The Staff Research and Consultancy Committee of the Business Studies Department organized a webinar titled “How to Conduct an Action Research” on Thursday, 17th February 2022 from 10 to 11:30 AM. The webinar was delivered by Dr Bahzad Zamani from the University of Mazandaran Azad, Iran. Dr Abdulrahman Al Ismaili, the head of the department, welcomed the speaker and introduced him to the participants. The speaker focused on different aspects related to the webinar topic, including the use of action research concept, overview of the action research and addressing the challenges faced by teachers. He also discussed the criteria of selecting an idea, writing a reflective memo, translating an idea into research questions, carrying out the literature review and drafting the report. The webinar was highly interactive. At the end of the webinar, Dr Surender Vaddepalli delivered the vote of thanks to the speaker.

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Sunday, 27 February 2022 00:00 Written by  Dr Laly Antoney In Business Studies
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