Whatsapp for Formal Communication

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The Staff Development Committee (SDC) of the Business Studies Department organized a presentation on "Whatsapp for Formal Communication" on Thursday, 19th May 2022 from 10.45 a.m to 11.30 a.m at the Room No A214A. The session staterd with a welcome address given by Dr. Sheik Mastan Vali and then the presenter, Dr.Vijay Padaguri, delivered the session. He focuse on different aspects, including the nature and uses of whatsapp in our everyday life, various techniques used to communicate to people and different types of formal words to be followed in whatsapp. After that, he conducted a quiz among faculty members as five groups and discussed the answers. There was a Q&A session at the end to clarify the doubts and enquries raised by the participants. A total number of 23 faculty members attended the presentation.

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Thursday, 26 May 2022 00:00 Written by  Mr Manikandan In Business Studies
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