Draw Your Career Path

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As part of the training programs offered to the community, Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, HR lecturer at the Business Studies Department, delivered a workshop titled "Draw Your Career Path" to the students of the University of Buraimi on Sunday, 11th December 2022 from 10 am to 1 pm. The main aim of the workshop was to enhance employability skills of the students and prepare them for the job market. The workshop focused on different key areas, including CV writing, job interview preparation, networking skills and the art of self-marketing. In order to make the workshop more practical, the presenter conduct a mock interview with two students, and then he gave constructive feedback about their performance. At the end of the workshop, Dr Ibrahim Al Shamsi, the Dean of the College of Business, gave a word of thanks along with a memento to the speaker.

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Thursday, 15 December 2022 00:00 Written by  Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti In Business Studies
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