Training needs- Student Interaction Program

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The Learning Resource Committee, Business Studies Department, organized a students’ interaction programme on training needs related to technology for all the students of Business Studies, on 15 February 2018, in FFAL-Lab-7, from 10.00am to 12.00nn.

The objective of the program was to interact with the students and identify their training needs related to:

  1. Software and Applications;
  2. Soft Skills; and

The students from both Accounting and HR stream were invited for interaction. The programme started with the welcome address by Dr Syeda Zubaida Hashmi and Mr. Prasad PM, followed by the brief explanation about the need and implementation of such skills in the holistic development of the students and improving their employability.

The students were advised to opt for the skills enlisted in the presentation. They were also encouraged to come forward with their request, to the committee, for any other training sessions or workshops they require.

The students raised questions related to the programmes, their scheduling and resource persons etc. Both the members addressed the queries and satisfied the students. Later students expressed their training preferences on the paper circulated to them. The committee was happy to see the enthusiasm with which the students participated and came up with their queries. They were thanked and ensured that they can approach any teacher on any course related queries and doubts through help centre. Training needs other than regular courses will be fulfilled by the internal resources and/or external resources (if required).

Read 423 times Last modified on Sunday, 25 February 2018 09:44
Thursday, 22 February 2018 00:00 Written by  Dr. Syeda Zubaida Hashmi In Business Studies Tags
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