SME Development Fund Conducts Two Day Entrepreneurial Campus Training Program

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SME-Development Fund in collaboration with college of technologies, conducted its first campus training sessions in its scheduled series of training in IBRICT on 8th and 9th of May,2017 in Multipurpose Hall from 8a.m to 4 p.m. On behalf of the college, the training was organised by Mr. Manikandan Sathyamoorthy, The coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Committee of the BSD. The target audience of the training was students who are currently studying entrepreneurship course across all the departments. There were 260 students in all. There were four sessions on each day of the training, and every section of students is required to attend a minimum of two sessions.

Day 1: The trainers from the SME fund, Mr. Mr. Abdullah Hamed Al-Bashdi and Mr. Qais Al Balushi, started the session by briefing the importance of SME business in Oman economy and the basic skill required to be a successful entrepreneur during their campus education. The purpose of the first day training was mainly to orient students to create an entrepreneurial mindset by motivating them.

Day 2: Day two was mainly focusing on training through workshops with brain storming and Business Calculation exercises. Brainstorming sessions demonstrated how to formulate campus companies under SMED funds followed by an interactive session where the participants actively interacted and come up with many innovative ideas. The trainers also urged the participants to create an E-Club in the college. The trainers demonstrated on how to estimate capital investment required for the campus companies using Simple Business Calculation(SBC). The purpose of E- clubs will be e to creates and sustain awareness, interests and involvement in entrepreneurial activities across the campus.

All entrepreneurship faculties, HoD’s, HoS’s attended the training. The training was organised with the support and participation from Departments of Student Affairs and OJT Department. The college OJT coordinator, Mr. Zaid Al-Badi, deserves special mention of appreciation. The Assistant Dean-Academic Affairs, Mr. Younus Al Za’abi distributed a memento to the trainers as a token of appreciation. The coordinator Mr. Mr. Manikandan Sathyamoorthy gratefully acknowledge the service of all concerned for the successful culmination of the SME Fund Training to IBRICT.

Read 1164 times Last modified on Thursday, 25 May 2017 03:30
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 00:00 Written by  Laly Antoney In Business Studies Tags
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