Inma Leadership

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The Entrepreneurship Committee and College OJT committee in collaboration with SME Development Fund organized a workshop on Inma Leadership as a part of E-club activities in IbriCT, VIP Room, on 18 March 2018.
The workshop that started at 09.00am and ended at 02.30pm was conducted in two sessions. Both the sessions were conducted by Mr Nadeem Ahmed, Trainer from Eshraqa, Kimji Ramdas Training and Development Center with Mr Qais Al-balushi (SME Trainer) and Mr Nithin (Trainer in Kimji Ramdas) 

The first session focused on grouping of students and engaging them in various entrepreneurship activities. The aim of these activities was to make them understand different skills required for a person to become an entrepreneur. The students were then asked about their views through different questions posed by the presenters. They were also explained about the significance of these skills in making a successful entrepreneur. This session was quite interactive.

The second session focused on demonstrating team building skills to the students. This again was done by giving various tasks to the students in groups. By performing these tasks, the students received useful insight into the benefits of teamwork, role and responsibilities of a team leader, what it takes to be a good team member etc.

Both the sessions gave a lot of learning experience to the students - to be a leader of their own business and on their roles and responsibilities as members in the E-club.

About 40 students from both Ibri College of Technology and College of Applied Science, Ibri participated in this workshop and benefitted from it. It was successfully conducted and on behalf of the Entrepreneurship Committee and I am thankful to both the College Managements, Heads of Business Studies Department IbriCT, SME Development Fund, with special thanks to OJT IbriCT Coordinator Mr Zaid Al-Badi and faculty members of Business Studies Department.

Read 401 times Last modified on Monday, 09 April 2018 09:14
Sunday, 25 March 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr. Manikandam Sathyamoorthy In Business Studies Tags
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