Home Remedies for Common Ailments

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The Health and Safety Committee of the Business Studies Department conducted a programme on home remedies and health management for the Business Studies Department staff on 7 December 2017, from 10am to 11am in Class Room 91 A. The objective of the programme was to increase the knowledge of the staff members on home remedies and health management.

Mr Enthiyaz Khan, coordinator of the departmental Health and Safety Committee, gave a presentation on various medicinal benefits of numerous items of spices that are commonly available in our kitchens, and various ways to manage good health with home remedies. In his presentation, he clearly explained the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach early in the morning. He also spoke on some home remedies using fenugreek, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, cumin seeds, and curry leaves. While speaking about these remedies, he explained the nutritional values in each remedy, health benefits associated with them, and the best ways to consume them. The session was very interactive and enriched the knowledge of audiences on health management, using the rich traditional medicinal treasures available in every kitchen.


Read 451 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 06:13
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr. Enthiyaz Khan In Business Studies
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