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As a part of a series of its workshops, the Business Studies Department conducted a second workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy on 19 June 2017 from 12pm to 2pm at Class 0091 B. The workshop started with an introduction by Dr Manjula V, welcoming the HOD, HOS HR and Accounting and staff members of the Business Studies Department. The objective of the workshop was to have an insight into how a teacher approaches and delivers different outcomes of his/her course at the Advanced Diploma Level.


Dr Tamilselvan, speaker for the day, gave a brief introduction about Blooms Taxonomy and its revised version 2001. He then gave a presentation on Analysing and Application aspects of the Cognitive Domain – Knowledge Based. The speaker explained the techniques, which can be implemented by the teachers in the delivery of course to their students. An activity was conducted in which teaching methodologies and best assessment process for the courses were discussed at length.  For this, two subjects from each level were selected.  All the teachers present were divided into six groups and all participated enthusiastically and made the event fruitful. 


The speaker then concluded the workshop by informing the participants the third workshop of the series would be conducted soon.


Read 514 times Last modified on Thursday, 21 June 2018 08:09
Thursday, 21 June 2018 00:00 Written by  Dr Manjula V In Business Studies Tags
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