Interpersonal Skills and Personality Development for the GFP

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A humane facet of interpersonal skills builds on basic communication skills and often reflects the "humanistic" attributes of individuals. These skills are crucial for all educators and learners as they are needed to succeed in their professional and personal life.  

 For all the enigma and euphoria surrounding them, interpersonal skills could be something as simple as initiating a conversation. It is all about the art of establishing a connection and nurturing it. It is also a refined skill of using facts and emotions during societal interactions. 

On Friday, Oct 15, 2021, Dr Mohsen Amiri and Dr Abdulsalam Al Manthari presented a paper at Sultan Qaboos University ELT Conference. 

 Dr Abdulsalam highlighted the impact of integrating interpersonal skills with academics for the holistic development of the student. He reiterated that teachers play a crucial role in moulding the personality of the students. However, he quickly added that interpersonal skills could be developed but cannot be learned solely from a textbook. A subtle mention of acquiring worldly wisdom through observing the mundane and academic world was thought-provoking.

The presenters shared many interesting views and one that caught the attention of the audience was, "Personalities are not born; they are forged." It is a process that requires time and diligent efforts. " (Kathrina Geukes). 

Dr Abdulsalam and Dr Mohsen linked interpersonal skills with some organised sessions on Personality Development and Interpersonal Skills for UTAS Ibri students. Based on the current research, the personality development sessions had a significant impact on the academic and personal performance of the participants. The presentation convinced the audience to integrate personality development modules with the curriculum for a holistic and robust disposition of students.

The presenters concluded on a practical note that students should possess good interpersonal skills and their GPA scores to fare well in the interviews.


Read 159 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 November 2021 10:55
Wednesday, 03 November 2021 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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