ELC Scripted history in winning MOHERI Funded URG Research Project

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The English Language Centre scripted history when ELC Research Team won MOHERI Funded URG Research Projectunder Block Funding Program in this academic year 2021-2022.

The ELC Research Team, comprising of Student Researchers across various disciplines and ELC Faculty mentors brought accolades to ELC by winning this Research Project. It is true that this momentousoccasion had indeedturned out to be a matter of pride and joy for ELC as it is for the first time that ELC has won MOHERI Funded Research project in itshistory since its inception.

The ELC management ,under the headship  of Dr.Abdulsalam AL Manthari , Head of the Centre, Dr.Maryam Al Ghafri ,HOSand Dr.Sultan Al Ghfari ,HOS  has always been  an embodiment of constant support and encouragement to ELC Staff in enhancing their Research Engagements .

In line with it, as part of encouraging, motivating and appreciating the immense efforts of student researchers and Faculty mentors of the Research Project ,the ELC management undertook a praiseworthy initiative to felicitate all the Researchers of the Research Project in a Felicitation Ceremony.All the Researchers were felicitated and were given certificate of Appreciation by the Heads of the Sections,Dr.Sultan  Al Ghafri and Dr.Maryam Al Ghafri

The Student Researchers of the Project are : IbtisamSaif Rashid AL Muqrushi( Student Team leader  ), Abdul azizSalimmohammed  Rashid AL Farsi, Amjad Mohammed Nasser Talib Al kalbani,SafaAwadhSulaiman Al-Kalbaniya and Tif Rashid Mohammed Nasser Al Shahoomi and the faculty mentors of the Project are  Dr.PriyaMankaraVijayan and Mr.DennisPrimneCorbita

The success story of the ELC Research Team in winning the MOHERI Funded research Project has indeed become a great source of inspiration to ELC staff .It infact has facilitated in enhancing the number of submissions of ELC Research Proposals for the next call for MOHERI proposals _2022,the involvement of more ELC staff members in varied ELC Research Proposals and in promoting the research culture of ELC.

Read 221 times Last modified on Thursday, 14 July 2022 08:36
Thursday, 14 July 2022 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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