Games Club

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According to Stephen Krashen, learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, and a low level of anxiety are better equipped for success in language acquisition. A game is a good method that can achieve this objective. In this regard, the Students Activities Committee has initiated a Games Club after initiating Arts and Music Clubs on 24/05/2022.

The first games club was led by Ms. Samiya and Ms. Moza on 15/06/2022.
Students welcomed the club with active participation. Many lecturers from the ELC joined the games club with students in different fun competitions. After a grand success in the first games activity, the committee members conducted the second games club on22/06/2022.
Many students participated at different levels with so much enthusiasm. There were many gifts were given to all the attendees for their participation in the various games. The students were motivated and they asked for more activities in the coming academic year.

Read 269 times Last modified on Thursday, 14 July 2022 08:21
Thursday, 14 July 2022 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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