Covid-19 Safety Measures (Awareness Program)

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In the ELC H&S Committee pursuit to raise awareness among the ELC staff and as per instructed, a H&S awareness session was held on Tuesday, December 15th 2020. The committee requested permission from the  HoC, Dr. Abdul Salam Al Manthari, to conduct the session. The permission was granted and the committee initiated arrangements for the online session. The committee coordinated with the HoSs and other committees in order to avoid any meeting conflict. After that, Mr. Sulaiman prepared the PowerPoint presentation and feedback questionnaire following the acknowledged norms of writing and referencing. He also scheduled the meeting on MS Teams platform.

On the respective day, Mr. Sulaiman started his presentation on time. The presentation reflected the purpose of the awareness session, displaying the Covid-19 safety measures at the ELC and raising awareness among the ELC staff in order to raise their readiness for the upcoming final exams of semester one (2020/2021). At the end of the session, Mr. Sulaiman sent the link of the feedback questionnaire in the meeting chat box. 

With reference to the results of the feedback questionnaire, Mr. Sulaiman delivered a very clear presentation in terms of presentation overview and concepts. All the respondents to the questionnaire appreciated his attitude and interaction with the audience. They also indicated their ability to smoothly congest the concepts presented. Finally, Mr. Sulaiman was awarded a certificate of appreciation for his valuable contribution as a presenter and an active H&S Committee member.

Read 206 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 December 2020 18:21
Wednesday, 23 December 2020 00:00 Written by  Mr Ahmed El Hussein In ELC
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