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The Engineering Department’s Technofest is an annual event meant to involve students to test their initiative, skills, competitiveness, and mettle, as well as to give students opportunities to better themselves and earn some certificates and awards that they can proudly include in their resumes or curriculum vitae.

However, last year, due to the unexpected impact of the global pandemic on COVID, the college, by order of the Supreme Committee, opted to stop the students to come to the college and the Technofest was cancelled.

This year, when everything regarding education, training, learning, and student co-curricular and extra-curricular activities was shifted to be online, the Technofest was organised by the Engineering Department, adjusting to the present circumstances and approaches.

The Engineering Society composed of Mrs Lizette Ivy Pascual (Coordinator) and members: Dr Muraganandam, Mr Santhosh, Mr Abdul Hafeez Sajid, Mrs Nahid Al Muqrashi, and Mr Chandrashekar M.C., together with the head of department (HOD), Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi, the heads of sections (HOS), Dr V. Ilankumaran and Dr K. Elangovan, and the Competition Committee coordinators and members, all worked together, with all urgency, to make the event possible and successful.

Several competitions were planned to all be held online, such as Electrical (Proteus) Simulation, Electronics (Proteus) Simulation, Graphical (AutoCAD) Skills, and TechTrends in Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, and Physics and Chemistry.

In addition to these competitions, the awards Best Projects for Semesters 1 and 2, 2020-2021 were also awarded for the three specialisations: Electrical, Electronics, and Mechanical, across all three levels: Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Bachelor.

Certificates of Merit were awarded to all the competition and Best Project winners while Certificates of Participation were awarded to all the non-winners of the competitions.  The Certificates, in soft copy but with digitised signatures of the of HoD, will be sent to the students via MS Teams or e-mail.  Hard copies can be provided upon the request of the student. 

List of Winners

Read 155 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 05:11
Wednesday, 30 June 2021 00:00 Written by  Mrs Lizette Ivy C. Pascual In Engineering
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