Report on High Impact teaching strategies

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On Thursday, February 10th, 2022, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM, the Engineering Department's Staff Development Committee hosted an online webinar on "High Impact Teaching Strategies." Dr.V.Ilankumaran, Head of the Section (Electrical), Department of Engineering, University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Ibri, delivered the session. 

In his presentation, he explained the goals setting, structuring lessons, explicit teaching, worked examples, collaborative learning, multiple exposures, questioning ("asking the right question at the right time"), feedback, metacognitive strategies, and differentiating instruction were among the ten HITS strategies. Hits are part of the collection of effective stagies that teachers can apply to wide variety of learning methodWith an example, he elaborated on the Key Elements of Individual Strategies. Finally, he explained the specialty in explicit teaching, which is how teaching practices clearly shows, what to do and how to do it, etc.

The session was highly interactive, with faculty from various departments taking part in the discussions. The presentation was deemed very useful and effective by the staff members. A total of 39 employees took part.

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Tuesday, 08 March 2022 00:00 Written by  Mr.Devasenathipathy In Engineering
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