Staff Development Programme, Engineering Department

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As a part of our staff development programmes, the Research and Consultancy Committee, in coordination with the Staff Development Committee, organised a seminar on “Responsible authorship and publication practices: figuring out genuine and predatory journals”.  The date and venue of the presentation were 11 October 2018, in room B111, Engineering Building. The research speaker was Dr Rehna Veerankutty Jameela, Lecturer, Engineering Department, Ibri College of Technology.

In the presentation, in the form of class room seminar, topics of the research work which were presented are as follows: Rise of Predatory Publishing, Scholarly Publishing Models, problems that predatory publishing causes for science and society, criteria for determining predatory publishers, how to identify a bogus journal and find the right journal to publish our valuable work. The staff of the Engineering Department were the participants. The seminar, followed by fruitful discussions, motivated the participant staff to carry out research work and publish high quality articles in high impact factor genuine journals. The programme ended with appraisals on the presented seminar, along with requests for similar types, i.e. interdisciplinary programmes, in future. 

Report by Research and Consultancy Committee, Engineering Department, Ibri College of Technology


Read 353 times Last modified on Sunday, 15 December 2019 03:09
Thursday, 08 November 2018 00:00 Written by  Dr Rehna V.J In Engineering
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