The Information Technology Department scores first place in Oman IoT and AI challenge-graduation project category

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The Information Technology Department is honoured to announce that three of its Bachelor level students have scored the first place in the Oman IoT and AI challenge-graduation project category. The challenge was organised by UTAS-Muscat as a national level qualification round for the Arab IoT and AI regional challenge. The qualified team, Aisha Hamdan Al Risi, Rahma Rashid Al Waili, and Mohammad Yaqoob Al-Shuaili, will present their project during the Gitex Technology Week 2021 in Dubai, UAE. 

The winning project titled “Low-Cost Smart Poultry Farming based on IoT” is intended to design a smart solution for poultry farming to help farm owners to automate their daily tasks and promote a healthier environment through air and water quality monitoring in real-time.

The awarding ceremony held on 30 September was officiated by a welcome remark and congratulatory message by His Excellency Dr Saeed Hamed Al Rubaie, Vice Chancellor of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences. This was followed by a congratulatory messaged addressed by Eng. Mohamed Aboud, chair of Arab IoT and AI Challenge. The virtual award was presented by Dr Ali Sulaiman Al Hinai, UTAS-Muscat.

Read 193 times Last modified on Monday, 11 October 2021 05:34
Monday, 11 October 2021 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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