International Webinar on Data Visualisation with Python

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On 7 April 2022, the Research and Consultancy Committee, in collaboration with the Staff Development Committee of the Information Technology Department, organised a webinar on data visualisation with Python. The international webinar was delivered by Information Technology Department staff member Dr Sreenath Itikela, at 9:30 AM. The speaker started the session by emphasising the importance of data visualisation and its significant role in various disciplines. Moreover, he shed light on the essential best practices to be considered while effectively presenting the data.

After a brief introduction to the Python programming language and its wide range of features, the webinar demonstrated various well-known Python data visualisation libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborne, and Bokeh. The speaker demonstrated various live examples to show the capabilities of these libraries.

The session concluded at 10:30 AM with 45 participants from UTAS-Ibri and other overseas institutions represented. The feedback was collected from the participants on a scale of 5, the result of the feedback was 4.1.


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Thursday, 28 April 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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