Workshop on “Big Data”

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The Information Technology Department, through its IT Society organized a workshop on Big Data to students on the 26th May 2022.  The said workshop was presented by Ms. Sana Fathima, an IT Lecturer. The workshop gave insights on the fundamentals of big data concepts, big data system and the technologies that work together for the analysis of the big data. The seminar also highlighted the issues and limitations in traditional systems.

The event also showed the practical demonstration of the Big Data technologies such as Hive and HBase that can be used to process a Big Data file and to store in the big data systems. The use of these technologies make querying and analyzing easy.

After the session, a feedback was taken and as a result, the participants rated the presenter 4.5 on a scale of 1-5 where 5 was the highest.

There were six (6) students who were benefited from the said workshop.


Read 99 times
Thursday, 02 June 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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