IT Staff from UTAS-Ibri Bagged Two Awards from Reputed Symposium “SITAM 2022”

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The University of Technology and Applied Sciences – Shinas organized a Symposium of Information Technology and Applied Mathematics (SITAM) on on 24th May 2022 under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Saeed Bin Hamed Al-Rubaie, the Vice Chancellor of UTAS. The best research papers are shortlisted from the top 28 research papers on Software Engineering, Networking and Mathematics tracks. Researchers of UTAS-Ibri bagged two “Best Research Paper” awards for their research paper and presentation.  A total of three (3) research papers were presented by UTAS-Ibri IT staff during the symposium.

The best research works have been recognized and selected through the blind review based on its originality, significance, novelty of approach/analysis, clarity, organization, and knowledge and the presentation. The awards are recognized for the exceptional research ideas in the domain such as Artificial Intelligence in HyFlex Learning Model and Domination Polynomial.

Below are the details of the authors and the submitted papers:

Authors Title Track Award
Dr. Wilfred Blessing N.R, Ms. Sara Said Al Shukaili Smart AI Environment to Increase Student Engagement and Innovation Skills in HyFlex Learning Model Software Engineering/IT Best Research Paper Award
Dr. Sanal Kumar, Mr. Wasim Raja Distance-2 Domination Polynomial of Tensor Product of Graphs Mathematics Best Research Paper Award
Dr. Sanal Kumar, Mr. Jithin Mathew Domination Polynomial of Some Standard Digraph Families Mathematics Presentation

The Information Technology department of UTAS-Ibri and its Research and Consultancy Committee are proud to honour the researchers for the well-deserved success. The Head of the Department, Dr. Amal-Bati Said Al Abri, Head of the Math section, Dr. Pugalarasu, Head of the IT section, Ms. Fatima Said Hamed Al-Shamli, IT Research Coordinator, Dr. Qais Saif Qassim Al Janabi and the entire department staff congratulate the presenters for the impressive achievement and best paper awards at the 3rd Symposium of Information Technology and Applied Mathematics which was conducted Online through MS-Teams.

Read 150 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 June 2022 09:48
Wednesday, 08 June 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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