Data Center Infrastructure and Design

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In order to increase awareness on data center, infrastructure and establishment based on international standards, the Information Technology department, through the IT Society organized two (2) sessions about data center infrastructure and design on 16th June and 23rd June, 2022.  The session was delivered by Mr. Abdullah Al Shukeily, an IT lecturer.

During the first day (session) of the presentation, the speaker discussed about brief description of what a data center is and its main component.  Mr Abdullah also explained the standards used in rating a data center.  He further explained the four (4) tiers where a data center can be classified and the criteria for each tier.  Towards the end of the first session, the presenter talked about the real life examples of a data center at UTAS-Ibri which was established in February 2021.  And at the end of the session, there was an open forum where questions and doubts were raised and cleared.

The second session was conducted in 23rd June 2022.  The presenter and some attendees visited the actual data center site at the University, where he explained the complete structure of a data center. 

A total of fifty-seven (57) attendees benefited the session, after which a feedback was taken after the presentation and visit.  A feedback result of 4.7 out of 5 was taken, this means that the presentation was well taken by the presenter.


Read 88 times Last modified on Sunday, 11 September 2022 10:26
Sunday, 11 September 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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