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The Staff Development Committee of IT department organized a session on “Communication Skills for Career Success” on 30th April 2023. The session was conducted by Mr. Wasim Raja, Mathematics Lecturer. The objectives of the seminar are to improve one's ability to clearly transmit a message, improve the skills to better understand other people and witness actual applications and demonstration of the principles of effective communication.
The speaker started with the importance of communication skills and why we need communication skills for career success. He emphasized on the verbal communication as well as non-verbal communications for the free flow of information with and among various stakeholders at all organizational levels to produce impactful outcomes and to achieve the goals of the institution. Essential communication skills needed for work place success, benefits of effective communications and the ways to improve communication skills were discussed.
The session was very helpful for the improvement of communication skills. Students and faculty members attended the session with keen interest, participated in the discussion session and learned a lot. The session ended up with a feedback result of 3 on a scale of 1-5 where 5 is the highest.

Read 95 times Last modified on Monday, 15 May 2023 04:05
Sunday, 14 May 2023 00:00 Written by  Information Technology Department In IT
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