Report on Orientation Programme on Advising

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The Registration Committee and the Staff Development Committee of the Information Technology Department jointly organised

a lecture on the topic “Orientation Programme on Advising” to all the advisors of the Information Technology Department on 27 September 2018 from 1.40pm to 3.00pm in Lab1.

Mr S. Rajasekaran, Lecturer/IT Department Registrar, delivered a lecture and provided training on the CIMS to the advisors.

This lecture programme was started by Ms Iman al Jassasi, Staff Development Committee coordinator, by welcoming the speaker and all lecturers and delivered an introductory speech and stressed the importance of this programme.

In this lecture, Mr Rajasekaran explained the concepts of advising, advising rules, procedures, course audit, prerequisites courses, pre-advising, actual advising, IELTs score, eligibility criteria to move from lower levels to higher levels, course withdrawal constraints, postponement criteria, and other aspects.

In addition to a practical demonstration about how to know the student status, accessing student data sheet, know the details of the advisees and some of the reports related to the advising through CIMS were covered.   

This programme was well organised by the Information Technology Department and was highly beneficial to all the participants. The average feedback from the participants of the program was 4.45.


Read 359 times Last modified on Monday, 08 October 2018 08:20
Monday, 08 October 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms. Iman Al Jassasi In IT
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