Report on Monthly Math Quiz

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To commemorate the ‘Oman Mathematics Day – IV’, the Mathematics Section of the Information Technology Department conducted the monthly math quiz starting from November for the AY 2018-2019. The aim of quiz is to encourage and motivate students to improve critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities. The quiz was designed to enable students to be professionally competent and to improve aptitude and logical reasoning skills. The students were informed about the quiz through the media displays, website posting, and posters pasted in all Math classrooms. In addition, teachers encouraged the during their respective classes to actively participate. A drop box was placed near the department for students to drop their answers which were marked by the teachers and results were announced. The students actively participated and successfully completed the first round in the month of November. 

The winners of the November Math Quiz are: 

1. Ikhlas Hamoud Saif Al Shuhomi

2. Amal Sulaiman Al Shuhomi

3. Al-Ghaliya Matar Al Yaqoobi

The HoD of the Information Technology Department, Dr Duhai Al Shekaili, awarded the prizes and certificates to the winners and appreciated the students for their talents and interest in the field of Mathematics.  


Mathematics Section

IT Department


Read 375 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 December 2018 07:16
Tuesday, 11 December 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms.Henah Evangelene In IT
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