The 2nd IbriCT IT Seminar

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The IT Department, through the Research and Consultancy Committee in collaboration with the Scientific Research Department at the College of Applied Sciences, Ibri, conducted a seminar about the 2nd IbriCT IT Seminar on 12 December 2018 in A112. The speakers for the event were Dr Sanal–Marh, Lecturer, and Mr Mangesh, IT Lecturer, from Ibri college of Technology.

The objectives of this seminar were to motivate the staff to share their knowledge and research work.

During the seminar, Dr Sanal introduced informative information about Vertex Complement Graph, Edge Complement Graph and its operations. Mr Mangesh spoke in detail about Map-Reduce execution in Hadoop Framework.

The speakers gave their presentations, as per the schedule below:     

Detailed Program



Title: Introduction to Vertex Complement Graph, Edge Complement Graph and its Operations 

 Presented By: Dr Sanal Kumar

Affiliation: Ibri College of Technology 

 Abstract: Graph theory is a branch of Discrete Mathematics, which has more applications in mobile computing, network theory in the field of computer science. In this seminar, the author wants to present the definition of vertex complement and edge complement of a sub-graph of a graph. There are several graph operations like union, intersection, Cartesian product, Tensor product in the field of graph theory. The author wants to present a new graph operation called vertex induced union and their properties. 





Title: Understanding Map-Reduce execution in Hadoop Framework   

 Presented By: Mr Mangesh Wanjari  

Affiliation: Ibri College of Technology 

 Abstract: Big Data is at the core of data analytics. Hadoop has made many researchers take interest in Big Data due to its simplicity due to abstract representation of many internal complexities. Map-Reduce has a major role to play in this popularity. It is really useful to understand how this whole thing started and what support Map-reduce architecture provides in analytical applications. It will be appreciated by anyone who understands the concept at least at the introductory level.




In the end, feedback was collected from members attending the seminar. The majority showed their satisfaction with the arrangements. On the scale of 5, the average feedback was 4.14. 

The event ended at 1:30pm and 19 staff members benefitted from the seminar.

Read 349 times Last modified on Sunday, 06 January 2019 08:46
Sunday, 06 January 2019 00:00 Written by  Nasim Al Balushi In IT
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