Seminar on Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) 

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The Research Committee of the Information Technology Department organised a seminar on Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) by Mr Bhavani Prasad, Lecturer, Information Technology Department, on Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 12 noon in Lab 5B (A118A) of the Department of Information Technology.

Mr Bhavani started with a basic understanding of computer languages and their processing mechanism. He focused on the differences between processing of general programming languages and natural languages by a machine. He talked about general compiler stages and at each of these stages how NLP will need to adopt to capture the inherent nature of natural languages such as ambiguity, context dependency etc.

After the seminar, members present had a fruitful discussion about recent trends in NLP and what the possible research problems are to be taken up to further explore it.

The seminar received good response from the staff members of the department. In the end, feedback was collected from members attending. On the scale of 5, the average feedback is 3.42.


Read 321 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 February 2019 08:09
Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Bhavani Prasad In IT
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