Seminar on Technical Teaching Techniques

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The Staff Development Committee of the Information Technology department organised a seminar on Technical Teaching Techniques by Ms Saba Hasan, Lecturer, Math Section, Information Technology Department, on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 at 12 noon in Lab 4 (A112) of the Information Technology Department.

Ms Saba started with a basic introduction of how technology can enhance the interests of learners in the teaching-learning process. She then introduced the audience with hands-on experience on an online tool ‘’, which can be used for conducting quick quiz-kind activities in gaming mode. She also made everyone aware how to register for Kahoot, create and conduct the activity. After Kahoot, she discussed the use of Google Forms for creating and conducting quizzes in class. She also introduced the online latex tool where Math teachers can easily construct math formulae and integrate them into Google Forms. Teachers were happy to have learnt through hands on practice. 

Many members present had a good understanding of the use of simple tools and appreciated the impact they can have in the teaching-learning process to make learning fun with the use of technology. 

The seminar received a good response from the staff members of the department. In the end, feedback was collected from members attending. On the scale of 5, average feedback is 4.26.


Read 278 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 07:08
Tuesday, 05 March 2019 00:00 Written by  Ms Saba Hasan In IT
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