3rd ibriCT IT seminar 

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Research Committee of IT department organized a Third IBRICT IT Seminar on Wednesday 01/05/2019 at 12:00 p.m. in Lab 1 (A109) of the Department of Information Technology. The proposals were invited from all the faculty members and three proposals were finally accepted for the presentations.

First, Mr. Someshvar Kumar, Lecturer IT demonstrated his work on ‘Android Application’ IbriCT Guide build to help people at IBRICT. He made audience aware of the work they are carrying out to create an app, which will guide people to search venue, person, etc. based on different parameters and help them find what they need at their fingertips. He urged people to contribute ideas by using feedback facility available in app to incorporate in their application. He gave live demo by asking audience to download the app from google play store.

The second topic was ‘Role of GPUs in Bioinformatics’, which was presented by Ms Deeba Khan, another IT Lecturer. She introduced the GPU-Graphics Processing Units and its need as opposed to normal CPUs. She explained the differences between CPU and GPU. She further introduced many high performance computing areas where GPUs are used extensively to minimize the time required for the computationally intensive programs. Finally, she gave a demonstration on how GPUs are used in practice by an example. The seminar gave a good primer for the people who wish to work in the area.

Finally, Dr.Duhai Al Shukaili, HOD, IT Department delivered the third seminar of the day on Introduction to Probabilistic Soft Logic (PSL) with a Vision of Using it on the Internet of Things Application. He primarily talked about, how use of PSL can increase the accuracy of Internet of Things applications by introducing more parameters like relationships between different entities into calculations. The PSL actually is a good framework to be used in relational domain. He demonstrated with an example how First Order Logic (FOL) rules are used in a real life example to build a graphical model and how soft truth-values (weights) are assigned to each rule. He has been always advocating the use of statistical relational learning for mining applications. He gave some good areas and pointers where the researchers can concentrate on when it comes to IoT applications. He also invited people from IoT domain to collaborate with him. 

The Seminars received good response from the staff members of IT department. After each seminar, the question answer sessions were carried out which witnessed a healthy and fruitful discussion. In the end, feedback was collected from members attending. On the scale of 5, average feedback is 4.18

Read 484 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 May 2019 08:53
Tuesday, 07 May 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Mangesh In IT
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