External Research Funding Programmes: Policies and Procedures

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The Research and Consultancy Committee of the Information Technology Department conducted an orientation session on “External Research Funding Programmes: Policies and Procedures” on 22 December at 1 PM in A109 (Lab-1). Dr Rehna V. J., lecturer, Electronics and Coordinator of Research and Consultancy Committee, Ibri College of Technology, was the resource person.

Dr Rehna first gave a brief introduction about the government funding agency i.e. TRC in Sultanate of Oman, and their goals. She made the Information Technology staff aware of the various TRC funding programmes, policies, the review process, thrust areas, eligibility, evaluation criteria, and submission process. The TRC definitions and policies associated with principal investigator (PI) and research institute (RI), eligible costs, salary, stipend and/or scholarships, equipment ownership, support acknowledgment, budget adjustments, validation of expenditure, auditing, and submission of reports were discussed in detail.

All the research programmes under the TRC, Oman, were introduced, giving more emphasis on the RG and URG programmes. TRC Proposal Submission and Review Process were discussed in detail. In addition, the RCC policy of Ibri College of Technology was briefed and the staff were informed about the requirements and timelines for carrying out research in the college. Intellectual property rights and its filing procedure based on the IP Policy were also discussed.

In all, it was a concise and informative talk for all aspiring researchers who wish to seek funding from the TRC.

Read 275 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 04:51
Thursday, 16 January 2020 00:00 Written by  Mr Mangesh Wanjari In IT
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