Course Project Orientation and How to Prepare a Project Proposal

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The Project Committee, along with the Academic Support Committee, conducted “Course Project Orientation” and “How to Prepare a Project Proposal” orientation on 21 January 2020 in the venue LAB A110.

The session started at 12:15 pm with the course project orientation which was handled by Mr. S. Ahamed Nishath, Project Coordinator – IT Department. First, he welcomed the course project students of the IT Department. Then he explained the various activities to be completed during the course of a project. To begin a project, he requested the student to submit the project proposal for each group as per the requirement of the department in the prescribed format. He suggested discussing the project ideas with anyone of the teachers before writing a proposal. Once the proposal obtained approval after review by an ad hoc review committee, each group will be assigned a supervisor. Once the supervisor has been assigned, student groups can start their project work activities according to the instructions and guidance of supervisors.

He explained the various documents and reports to be prepared by project groups and to be submitted to level coordinators. He insisted that students submit the necessary documents on or before the deadline. He mentioned the importance of meeting supervisors regularly, at least once a week and updating activities in the project plan acknowledged by the supervisor. He informed and showed the students about the availability of the necessary forms and instructions in Moodle. He requested all the project students to enrol in Moodle. He also enlightened the students about the assessment and the use of documents during the review. He ended the session by answering students’ questions.

This session was followed by “How to Prepare a Project Proposal” by Dr Monther Ali. He elaborated on preparing a project proposal in general. Then he explained in detail the various sections to be written in the proposal and the kind of information to be provided in each section, with simple examples to facilitate understanding by the students. Students were interested to know more about this and eagerly attended the complete session which ended at 1:20 pm. A total of 25 students attended the session.

Read 243 times Last modified on Tuesday, 28 January 2020 05:23
Tuesday, 28 January 2020 00:00 Written by  Ms Seema Afroz In IT
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