Presentation on Examination Policy, Procedure and Practices

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Mr Shaik Asif, the examinations coordinator from the Information Technology Department, conducted an orientation session on the examination policy along with existing procedures and practices to be followed. The presentation started with an introduction of the committee structure to staff members, stating the members as CECC (ADAA), CECH, and department coordinators. The roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder who is covered under this policy, along with all the procedures to be followed during examinations, were discussed.

In addition, the latest updates on the conduction of examination procedures, practices and student/staff instructions, were explained to the staff and they were asked to follow the same during examination sessions. During this presentation, the head of the department, Dr Duhai Al Shukaili, and the examinations coordinator clarified queries raised by staff members regarding the policy, procedures and practices. The session was interactive, informative and fruitful.

Finally, the examination coordinator emphasised the role and importance of the examination policy in implementing academic integrity and security.

Read 234 times Last modified on Monday, 24 February 2020 08:58
Monday, 24 February 2020 00:00 Written by  Ms Seema Afroz In IT
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