Workshop on Writing a Literature Review Report

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The Project Committee of the Information Technology Department held a workshop on, “Writing a Literature Review Report “on Tuesday, 10 March 2020 from 12:15 to 1:30 PM in room A201. The speaker for the session was Dr Mohammed Amir, ELC Lecturer. The course project students from all the levels attended the session. Dr Amir gave insight on how to write a literature review report for the course project. He informed that a literature review represents the main work done by the researchers and review of that is to give a self-opinion on the literature. He further enhanced the understanding saying that the literature review is to build, present and update the knowledge of readers of your project. He suggested students to seek the opinion of the supervisor as to how they would like to see the literature addressed. He emphasised saying that reading is the key.  He also threw light on tips to select good content to contribute to the literature. At the end, he used an activity for students to check their understanding in selecting good content for the literature review. The students demonstrated a good grasp of the subject. It was an interactive session. At the end, Ms Sana Fathima, member of the Project Committee, provided a certificate of Appreciation to Dr Amir thanking him for his efforts and time.                          

Read 284 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 March 2020 10:42
Thursday, 12 March 2020 00:00 Written by  Ms  Sana Fathima In IT
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