Webinar: Guidelines of Writing Research Papers for High Impact/Prestigious Journals

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In line with the college's goal to foster an environment that promotes applied research and innovation, the Research and Consultancy Committee (RCC) of the IT department organised a webinar titled "Guidelines of Writing Research Papers for High Impact/Prestigious Journals" on 15 June, 2020. The webinar was delivered by Dr Omar Husain Salman from the Engineering College of Al-Iraqia University, Iraq. Dr Omar has more than six years of research experience with a number of research papers published in high impact factor journals with more than 225 citations.

The main goal of the session was to highlight some of the best practices and strategies used in writing quality research papers for high impact journals. The workshop was conducted online using Microsoft Teams. It attracted more than 60 staff members from the IT, Business, and Engineering Departments as well as from the English Language Centre.

The session started by welcoming the invited speaker. Afterwards, the resource person highighted the main topics of the webinar. University and academic ranking, H-index, the different types of research papers, and as well as the basic concepts of scientific research were among the major topics that were covered in the webinar. The resource person shed light on the main reasons why researchers should publish their work. Afterwards, he demonstrated how to calculate the H-index. Next, the concrete structure of any research paper was presented by breaking up the article into separate independent components and describe the standard contents of each individual component. The speaker also demonstrated how to construct a well-written abstract. Lastly, the speaker concluded the session by reviewing the main keywords mentioned during the session and described the research and publication journey as a long trip with lots of ups and downs, and a true researcher should equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and skills. The last few minutes were spent answering the questions raised by the attendees.

Read 310 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 June 2020 10:14
Sunday, 21 June 2020 00:00 Written by  Ms Seema Afroz In IT
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