"Building and Connecting” ETC Social Activity 1

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ETC staff development committee in coordination with the Educational Services Section (ESS) conducted its first social activity, with a theme: “Building and Connecting”. The activity was held last Dec. 26, 2018 at the Multipurpose Hall. 

The objective of the activity was to build a strong working relationship among  ETC staff and connecting or sharing ideas.

The first activity was building a castle or fort, with only paper, tape, and staple as the material to use, 2 teams were made with 12 males and 12 females participated. The teams showcased their creativity in developing a tallest, free-standing, self-supporting PAPER CASTLE.

Then 2 individual activity was given and participated by all. They made a paper plane and solve math picture problem.

The last activity was connecting bridges. 2 Teams of 12 are given a paper, tape, and staple and create free-standing, self-supporting PAPER BRIDGE.

After all the activities were made, follow up questions regarding how teams perform, how leader delegate task and how ADRI cycle was made during the activities. Then a summary of the purpose of the activity was given.

Then awarding was made to those who participated in the activity and gift were given to 5 staff if the ETC that will be going for continued study.

The activity ends with a lunch gathering. 

Read 1924 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 January 2019 06:52
Tuesday, 15 January 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Romeil Moleta In ETC
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