ISAA GALA 2 Session 2

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The Quality Assurance Department conducted the Second ISAA Gala session 2 at Ibri College of Technology on Tuesday, 29 of October 2019 at 12:00 pm at the Multipurpose Hall with staff from all departments and centres.  Dr. Hamdan Al-Manthari, College Dean and QAD Chair; Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA; Dr Hafedh Al-Rahbi, ADAA; Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head; Mr Omar Al-Balushi, Business Studies Department Head; Dr Duhai Al-Shukeily, IT Department Head and QAD Officers attended. 

Dr. Hamdan Al-Manthari welcomed the staff. Then, Dr Duhai Al-Shukeily, Standard 4 Chair, briefed them about Standard 4: Research and Consultancy.  

Mr Jabez Syam, Standard 4 EAT Lead, explained his presentation on Standard 4. He expounded the ISAA structure for CoTs, standard 4 criteria and their respective writers. 

Dr. Laly Antoney, IP policy co-developer, gave a brief orientation on Awareness on IP Policy. 

Ms Heba Qureshi informed the attendees about the OAAA workshop and shared what she and the rest of the team learned. She also mentioned that OAAA and other HEIs regarded IbriCT as a very promising CoT based on the excellent presentation they made on the task given to them. 

After the learning sharing, the most awaited quiz was conducted. Ms Heba, the quizmaster, requested each D/C to nominate one representative.  The following were the D/C nominated representatives:

1. Dr Rehna Jameela – Engineering Department

2. Ms Naga Raja Kumari – English Language Centre

3. Ms Buthaina Al-Marshoodi – Educational Technology Centre

4. Dr Mohammed Abed – Business Studies Department

5. Ms Fatma Al-Ghassani – Registration Department

6. Ms Saada Al-Shukri – Human Resources Department

7. Mr Shaik Asif Basha – Information Technology Department 

The quizmaster explained the mechanics of the quiz. Questions were focused not only on Standard 4 but on ISAA as well. Each contestant was given 40 seconds to answer the question. If no answer or if the answer is wrong, the next contestant gets the chance to give the correct answer.  The staff from each D/C were also allowed to coach their representative. Scorers were Dr Shaik Mastan and Dr Ansarul Haque, QAD officers and timekeeper was Mr Erick Oandasan, ETC staff. 

After the quiz, Dr Hafedh Al-Rahbi and Ms Heba Qureshi distributed the prizes and certificates.  

Quiz winners, namely Ms Fatma Al-Ghassani, first placer, Ms Naga Raja, second placer and Dr Mohammed Abed, third placer, received exciting prizes. The quiz was not only a test of knowledge but also a promotion of camaraderie among D/C staff. 

Certificate of recognition was awarded to Dr Pugalarasu Rajan, ISAA Gala 1 speaker; Mr Wasim Raja, ISAA GALA 2 session 1 speaker; Dr Duhai Al-Shukeily, IP Policy developer and Dr Laly Antoney, IP Policy co-developer. 

As a final point, Dr Abdulsalam Al-Mantahari, event anchor, requested the audience to give their feedback through Mentimeter. The result shows that 95% of the staff learned from and enjoyed the session. They even requested for more similar interesting and helpful events in the future. Other sessions will be held regularly to elevate awareness among stakeholders.   

The session ended at 2 PM.


Read 850 times Last modified on Monday, 09 December 2019 04:58
Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by  Quality Assurance Department In Quality Assurance
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