QAD Shop Branch Inauguration

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To continue the innovative way of creating awareness on quality assurance, Quality Assurance Department decided to open seven QAD Shop branches.

On Thursday, 17 October 2019, QAD provided QAD shop materials like notebooks, brochures, progress steps, coffee shop and roller stand posters to all QACs in preparation for the scheduled inauguration today, 21 October from 9.30 AM to 12.50 PM. Each QAD shop branch opening was timed for 20 minutes.

The schedule for D/C was as follows*:







English Language Center

Dr Sultan Al Ghafri and Dr Maryam Al Ghafri

Ms Zara Arab

09.30 AM-09.50 AM


Information Technology

Dr Duhai Al-Shukaili

 Ms Iman Al Jassasi

10.00 AM-10.20 AM


Educational Technology Center

Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeily and Mr Said Al Manthari

Mr Roderick Oandasan

10.30 AM-10.50 AM


Administration and Human Resources

Mr Rashid Al Hinai

Ms Saada Al Shukri

11.00 AM-11.20 AM


Registration Department

Ms Moza Al Balushi


11.30 AM-11.50 AM


Business Studies

Mr Omar Al-Balushi

Dr Surendar Vaddepalli

12.00 PM-12.20 PM


Engineering Department

Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi

Mr Sreenivas Naik

12.30PM-12.50 PM

*Some of the names mentioned were not present; however, they sent proxies as their representatives.

The event was officially opened with the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, Dean of IbriCT and QAD Chair, together with the respective HoD/HoSs, QACs, QAD Officers and D/C staff. 

Dean thanked each HoD/HoS for assembling the D/C QAD Shop branch. He requested them to assign staff as shopkeepers so as to serve the main purpose of the shop, which was to create awareness on quality assurance among stakeholders. He also added that quality assurance was a collective effort; therefore, team work was indispensable.

Each D/C QAD Shop branch was assembled beyond what was expected. For example, IT Department presented their brochures in a packet with a free chocolate as a motivational element. 

Meanwhile, from the ETC, Mr Roderick Oandasan, QAC, informed the team about his discovery that IbriCT is the first HEI in the world who had a QAD Shop Inauguration. He used laminated charts to show how he researched about his finding. The audience listened to him with great interest. 

On the other hand, the Administration and Human Resources Department prepared tea while the Registration Department, aside from offering chocolates, they also had flowers on the table.

Creative ideas were also solicited from different D/Cs, like Dr Sultan’s suggestion to have brochures also about their concerned standard to promote more awareness. This idea was welcomed by QAD Chair and Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head.

QAD Head relayed Dr Sultan’s suggestion to the rest of D/Cs and also requested additional creative contributions from them. However, the drafts must be reviewed first by QAD.

Ms Moza Al-Balushi, HoD Registration Department and Ms Basma Al-Alawi, QAC Officer, suggested having also brochures in Arabic so that other stakeholders like admin staff, parents, and other visitors would understand better the information. QAD Head responded by requesting them to help QAD in translating the brochures to Arabic.

D/C QAD Shop branch inauguration ended with a group photo session.

Engineering Department Information Technology Department 
Business Studies Department English Language Centre 
Registration Department Student's Affairs and Human Resource
Educational Technologies Centre  
Read 758 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 December 2019 06:54
Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by  Quality Assurance Department In Quality Assurance
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